Event View

16 June 2023

Institute NMR Facility (INF) Users' Meeting

Presented by : Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru
Topic : Various NMR spectrometers and accesories available at INF
Code : 289ISTEM20815


Collaborative :

Event Scope :

The Institute NMR Facility (INF), IISc hosts several state-of-the-art NMR spectrometers of varying field strength. These include six solution state NMR spectrometers and one solid state NMR spectrometer. Three of these spectrometers were DST-SAIF funded, while others by other agencies and by IISc. Further, an additional solution state NMR spectrometer will be commissioned in 2024. 

Currently, the facility houses an 800 MHz NMR with a cryoprobe, a 700 MHz NMR, four 500 MHz NMRs with various broadband probes and a solid state 400 MHz solid state spectrometer. Variable temperature experiments can be conducted on several of these spectrometers.

For the study of both small molecules, large biomolecules, and organic & inorganic materials, we have a unique expert faculty base at IISc, who provide consultancy services for accomplishing many frontier projects in metabolomics, bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, chemical biology, materials chemistry, etc.

To create awareness regarding the INF, IISc, and to widen our user base, we are conducting a half a day online NMR Users' Meeting on 16th June 2023.


Event Brief :

More information of our facility can be found on the website of the facility:


Expert Speakers


Starts On : 16-06-2023

Ends On : 16-06-2023

Last Enrollment : 15-06-2023

Event Organiser
Institute NMR Facility
  080-2293 3302

Addtional Info

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