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   Technology and Product Development

    Basic Information

Technology developed: Nanothylakoids for Selective Removal of Antibiotic- and Metal- Resistant Bacteria from Polluted Wate (TP19761103975)
Category: Product(Hardware/Material/Software)
Details of Inventor(s):
Inventor Institution/Organization/Company Department Designation
Archana Raichur IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering Post Doc Student
Niraj Sinha IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering Professor
Technical Application Area: Water Treatment
If 'Other', please specify:
Please give more details of new technical application area:
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
Affiliated Ministry: Ministry of Education
Type of technology development: Indigenous
Does the technology help in replacing any import items currently
procured from outside India?
Does the technology have export potential? Yes
Category of Technology developed: Immediate Deployment
Stage of Development: Field Test
Please describe in detail including the TRL Level:
Plan is being developed


Applications: Antimicrobial resistance has become a major threat to human health. Uncurable infections are rising due to antibiotic- and metal-resistant bacteria spreading through food, water and air. The conventional methods for waste water treatment are toxic and tedious, and have low filtering and bactericidal efficiencies. This patent proposal presents a novel rapid method to synthesize ecofriendly, reusable, bactericidal, multilayered, uniform cubical nano-adsorbent functionalized with sequence-specific peptide nucleic acid for selective removal of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and wtAMRBJ3 from water consisting of E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus sps. and Bacillus subtilis and the antibiotics penicillin, gentamicin, ampicillin and vancomycin.
Advantages: Nanoparticles NPs are an efficient means to remove contaminants at the molecular level, and hence have been researched in recent years for waste water treatment to address water pollution and related health concerns. Membranes consisting of well organized structures of NPs are also potentially useful to curb pathogen related diseases and fight bioterrorism. However, preparing low cost membranes from NPs to selectively remove pathogens remains a challenge. The invention describes the synthesis of PNA functionalized nano adsorbent NA for the selective removal and inactivation of SA and wtAMRBJ3 from polluted water. The NAs are uniform multilayered porous cuboid structures with veneered surface, and have a large surface area. The amount of the iron, polymer and equipment required to prepare NA are significantly inexpensive. These NAs can be stored for five months and are resistant to high salinity and acidic conditions. The sequence specific PNA designed and loaded on NAs detect the SA and wtAMRBJ3 bacteria in water. Once the bacteria are detected, the NAs adhere to the cell membrane of the SA and wtAMRBJ3 bacteria and then separated from the other bacteria within 30 min. The multilayered cuboid NAs with functionalized PNA have several unique advantages such as high filter efficacy, high molecular loading capacity, selectivity and low pressure drop. As the NAs target SA specifically, these NAs can also serve as a diagnostic tool and therapeutic agent against SA in blood and contaminated water. Thus, the developed NAs can be used as an ideal bioremedial and therapeutic agent in waste water treatment, food technology and medicinal applications.

    Technology Inputs:

Imported Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Imported Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Existing R&D Facilities used:
Facilities Year ITC-HS Code

   Patents & Publications:

Filed Patents (No.) Granted Patents (No.) Year
1 0 2020-21
Submitted (No.) Published (No.) Year
0 1 2020-21

    Commercialization Potential:

Who are the Potential Licensees? DBH technologies, AVANSA Technology & Services, Neo-Ecosystems, Waste-corp Pumps USA, Helicon
What commercially available products address
the same problem?
Company Product Problem Addressed
Would you like to develop this invention further with
corporate research support?
Would you be interested in participating in cluster based
programs for commercialization research or business
planning for your invention?
      Submitted by: J.G. Rao Date of Submission: 5-5-2022

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