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Applications are invited for the post of JRF (on contract) to perform research work on project upported by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS), Trombay, Mumbai, India Sanction letter no. 58/14/20/2022-BRNS
Age limit: Not exceeding 30 years as on 15/11/2022 (5 years’ relaxation is provided to the
candidates belonging to OBC-NCL/SC/ST and to women applicants)
Application Process: The candidates willing to apply must supply following documents: (1)
Cover letter (indicates how their candidature strongly match the requirement and area of project)
(2) Bio-data with passport-sized photograph, (3) Scanned copies of educational certificates and
mark sheets, class XII onwards (4) GATE qualified certificate and (5) Scanned copies of Proof
for research experience, special achievements and publications, if any. The soft copies of all the
above documents in a single file (PDF format) must be emailed to the Principal Investigator (Dr.
Aniruddh Bahadur Yadav) on before 15/11/2022 and hard copies of all the documents should be
reached within 10 days after last date(i.e. 25/11/2022) at the address for correspondence. There is
provision of online interview and selected candidate should produce the original document at the
time of joining, offline interview encouraged however no TA/DA will be paid for attending the
interview. The appointment will be terminated on termination of project. Candidates who are
already employed in government organization should produce relieving certificate/NOC from
their employers, if selected. The shortlisted candidate and other recruitment related information
will be passed to the candidate by email only.
NOTE: At the top of the envelope mention “Application for the position of JRF under BRNS
project on “Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Nanoscale Field Effect Transistor (FET)
Array to detect VOCs for Breast Cancer Screening”.
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