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To develop polymer composites for hydrogen storage applications and carry out molding and testing of the formulated composite accompanied by report writing. To independently plan and perform polymer processing operations like composite molding of test specimens. To carry out thermal, mechanical and melt rheology analysis of the molded specimens. To participate in outside vendor trials and development of carbon fiber composites.
The engagement will be initially for a period of six months which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of sponsored project / satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee, as the case may be. The engagement will be purely on temporary basis and shall not be CSIR/NCL appointment, temporary or otherwise and shall not entitle the appointee to any right/claim whatsoever, implicit or explicit, for his/her consideration against any CSIR-NCL post/fellowship.
How to Apply:
1. Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE only through our website. 2. Link to apply:http://jobs.ncl.res.in 3. Details can be read from section Jobs Vacancies: https://www.ncl-india.org 4. Candidate should have a valid email before applying online. 5. Scanned photo/signature in JPG/JPEG format only. 6. Candidate’s Photograph File size must be less than 50 kb. 7. Candidate’s Signature File size must be less than 25 kb. 8. Readable scanned copies of Mark sheet(SSC, HSC, Graduation, Master, PhD,etc) 9. Keep ready pdf file of all testimonials. 10. Read all instructions title 'How To Apply' available at website. The application should be filled online before 18/04/2022. Late applications will not be considered.
For more details, kindly visit the advertisement here: https://www.ncl-india.org/files/DisplayResource.aspx?ResourceId=1f1504c8-7e5a-42c1-a61d-32fc8be0f9e8&OriginalFileName=Advertise.pdf
Source: CSIR-NCL Website (https://www.ncl-india.org/files/joinus/jobvacancies/TemporaryJobs.aspx#)
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