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JRF, IIT-BHU: Active polar flock in quasi two-dimensional geometry: role of confinement and boundary condition
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at a Fixed Stipend/Fellowship/Salary amount of Rs. 31000 p.m. + (HRA) in a SERB (DST) Sponsored Project entitled “Active polar flock in quasi two-dimensional geometry: role of confinement and boundary condition” sanctioned up to 36 months.
The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
The upper age Limit is 28 years (relaxable for 5 years for SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates; as per GOI rules.
Essential qualifications: (a) Master’s degree in Physics and must have a minimum of 60% marks or 6.0 CPI (on a 10.0 point scale) at the master’s degree level. (b) Applicants with four year bachelor’s degree in physics and must have a minimum of 75% marks or 7.5 CPI (on a 10.0 point scale) at the bachelor’s degree level. Applicant with more than two years of professional experience, minimum requirement shall be 70% marks or 7.0 CPI (on 10 point scale) at bachelor degree provide the degree is from an Institution funded by the Central Government. (c) With qualified NET/ valid GATE score.
Desirable qualifications: Basic knowledge of numerical methods and basic statistical mechanics.
Application on Plain paper giving Name, permanent and correspondence address, names of father and mother, telephone no. and email address, details of educational career (starting from High School or equivalent) along with self-attested copies of all mark-sheets and certificates and details of any research or other experience etc., if any, should reach within 21 days of the advertisement, 11th May 2022, to the P.I. Dr. Shradha Mishra: Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi – 221005 by email: smishra.phy@itbhu.ac.in No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.
For more details visit the advertisement here: https://iitbhu.ac.in/contents/institute/2022/projects/project_jrf_app_306.pdf
Source: IIT-BHU Website (https://iitbhu.ac.in/contents/institute/2022/projects/project_jrf_app_306.pdf)
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