Equipment Info

Central surface analytical facility-ESCA Facillity

Equipment Code : 2745746

Make : Kratos Analytical

Model : AXIS Supra

Institution : Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay

Department : Centre for Sophisticated Instruments and Facilities

Funding Agency Details : Institution

Pooling of Equipment slot :   No

Last AMC Done :  

Reference Website :

Description : Make: Kratos Analytical, UK (SHIMADZU group) Model: AXIS SupraTwo chamber ultra high vacuum system: Analysis chamber (< 2.0 x 10-9 Torr) and Sample load-lock chamber (< 5.0 x 10-8 Torr)Automated sample transfer mechanism and five-axis sample manipulator.XPS source: Monochromatic (AlK?) 600 W X-ray source; 1486.6 eVUPS source: High photon flux He gas discharge lamp (He-I 21.2 eV and He-II at 40.8 eV)Auger: Field emission gun for Auger electron spectroscopy and Scanning Auger microscopy. Source energy range up to 10 kVElectron energy analyser and detector: Concentric hemispherical analyzer (CHA) for spectroscopy, and Spherical mirror analyzer for parallel imaging. Multichannel plates stack with delay-line detector for counting. Spectroscopy, snapshot and imaging modes with option of large area and small area analysis.Differentially pumped ion gun: High performance gun for precision depth profiling, Energy range 500 eV to 4 keV for sample etching (cleaning) and depth profilingSample

Usage Rate: (as indicated by the custodian/host institution)

Samples External Academic User Internal Academic User International User Industry User Start-ups National Research Lab User Self (Project Investigator)
XPS + depth profiling


i) Academic (External) means researchers belongs to the other institution.

ii) Academic (Internal but different department/lab) means researchers belongs to other department/lab or other investigators.

iii) Academic (Internal) means researchers belongs to the same institution.

Accessories / Consumables / Spare parts / Testing modes
Sample Name Sample Type Sample UOM Sample Availability Unit Cost Sample Quantity Sample Description
No Data Available