Indian Science Technology and Engineering facilities Map
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  • To log in to the I-STEM portal, please choose the appropriate login credentials. Then, Create the content about your institution/department/Equipment/Project Status (or /Update/Edit content that has already been uploaded). Being in the highest position of “User hierarchy”, you will be able to create and manage following types of user accounts.
  • Institute Representative(s): The Registrar/Principal/Director may create login credential and assign to his/her Representative(s) the responsibilities of looking after . the activities of the Institution through Portal, such as, managing Booking Request, Equipment Health monitoring and gathering Usage Statistics, dealing with Grievances, etc. The login credential will be sent through email from the Portal.
  • Funding Agency(ies),: Funding Agency means the Govt. Agency (DST, DRDO, DBT, etc.) that has provided the grants for procuring eqpt./facilities. . Your Institution/Organisation/Institution is requested to FIRST identify and create the funding agency for a GIVEN eqpt. and then upload the details for THAT equipment in specified format (i.e., Excel sheet) as per . the guidelines provided on the page itself. In case funds have been provided by YOUR INSTITUTION, please identify the funding agency as Institution.
  • Department(s) and its admin(s): ONLY the Registrar/Principal/Director or his/her Representative has the authority to identify and create login for a Department Admin. .Once the Admin of a Department is identified his login credential will be sent from the portal through email. The Admin would be able to create the login credentials for Faculty-in-charge, . Faculty Coordinator, Facility(ies) and Operator(s)/Technologist(s)
  • Faculty In-charge of facility (ies): ONLY the Department Head or his/her Representative/Admin may identify and create login for the Faculty-in-charge. . Once the Faculty-in-charge gets the login credential through email from the portal, and then s/he can then create the login credentials for Facility Coordinator (s), Facility(ies), and Operator(s)/Technologist(s).
  • Facility Coordinator(s): ONLY the Faculty-in-charge or his/her Representative/Admin may identify and create the login for the Facility Coordinator. Once Facility Coordinator gets the . login credential through email from the portal, can then create the login credentials for Facility(ies) and Operator(s)/Technologist(s).
  • Facility(ies): All those in the hierarchy identified above may “create and enter data” for Department(s) and Facility (ies) established in an Institution, as per the guidelines provided on the page.
  • Operator(s)/Technologist(s): S/he can add the Equipment and maintain the equipment booking calendar, approve requests (to use eqpt.) received from Internal/External Users, . and fulfil the request (execute the job) AFTER receiving information of payment (if any).
  • Public User(s) may register themselves to the portal (as explained on the portal) and send a request to book ANY equipment listed on the portal (that is needed for their R&D work). . Once the relevant Equipment Technologist/Operator(s) approve their request, Users may plan to make a payment requested by the Equipment Technologist/Operator(s); the Users may then visit the Institute as per the schedule provided to them.
  • Funding Agency Admin: Funding Agencies of the GoI may also create login credentials for different Section-in-charge to look after the status of the equipment funded by the Agencies, e.g., as eqpt. health (Up/Down/Under repair), . Usage statistics. Through the I-STEM Portals, Section-in-charge may also request the PI of the project (under which a given eqpt. has been procured) to submit the Project Technical Report that may be due, etc. The login credential will sent to all the section incharge through the portal.
It has always been the basic tenet of the Government of India, in generously funding R&D efforts at academic institutions over the years, that facilities established through such support be made available to those needing them and qualified to make use of them for their own research work

However, this was never easy or straightforward for, among other reasons, there was no ready source of information of what facility was available and where. Thanks to the Web, it is much easier today to have a national and regional “inventory of resources”, so as to match users with the resources they need, and to do all this in an efficient and transparent manner.

This can lead to a leap in R&D productivity and greatly enhance the effectiveness of public investment. This is the motivation behind I-STEM.
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