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Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru
Remote Sensing, Hydrology
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 Mr. Shashi sekhar

 dear sir... my name is Shashi from Bihar and pursuing MSc in environmental studies.sir i would like to know is there any possibilities to predict potential habitat suitability for species like tiger. if yes then can you please suggest me how can i do this with the help of remote sensing and GIS. in addition to this how can i communicate with you regarding this. thanks in advance for your suggestions. 2020-01-18 22:12:41
           Dear Shashi, That is a good problem you are trying to address. I'm not an expert in the field though, this is how I'd tackle the problem. 1) We can try a multilevel criteria decision making approach to narrow down the habitat suitability for tiger species. This can include the buffer zones around the water bodies, food, exluding the areas of human habitat, roads, etc 2) Step 1 gives a first order estimate for the habitat mapping. Second step, if possible would be getting ground information like Tiger sightings in the last year, newspaper statistics, existing Tiger counts, etc. (My suggestion would be go and visit a forest officer and his ground range team. They have good knowledge regarding the existing habitat and sightings.) 3) Improve the habitat suitability map from the gathered information. See if there are any seasonal changes for the habitat. That's all I could think of as of now. Anyone else can put some light as well. 2020-01-21 16:04:41

 Mr. Shashi sekhar

 dear sir... my name is Shashi from Bihar and pursuing MSc in environmental studies.sir i would like to know is there any possibilities to predict potential habitat suitability for species like tiger. if yes then can you please suggest me how can i do this with the help of remote sensing and GIS. in addition to this how can i communicate with you regarding this. thanks in advance for your suggestions. 2020-01-18 22:12:44

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