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Dr. Umapathi K
Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology (KIT) Coimbatore
1 Sensors 2 MEMS Devices 3 Nanoelectronic devices 4 Modelling of Electrochemistry1 COMSOL 2 CoventorWare
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 Mr. Vishal Thakar

 Respected sir I am research scholar and working on mems pressure sensor diaphragm. I am working in comsol software for finding displacement of diaphragm. I have already done thin rectangular plate analysis with different boundary conditions with help of classical theory. But now I want to change the equation in same plate theory but non classical method. I want to use couple stress theory for finding the solution of thin plate. So for that I want to change the equation in comsol software. So how can I change the equation in comsol. Kindly help me or if you have any PDF of video related this kindly share it with me. My email address is Hoping favour Thanking you Vishal Thakar 2023-03-11 10:42:19


 good evening sir, I am B.Lakshakoti, Research Scholar at NITW. while iam submitting Comsol requesting form I have select only 6 modules and tried less than 6 also even though it is not submitted, how can i submit request form sir. kindly give solution to this problem sir thanking you, sir. yours sincerely. 2023-06-09 18:57:29

 Ms. Shreya Joshi

 Dear Sir, This is Shreya Joshi from R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru. I am writing this to clarify my doubt regarding the Comsol Simulation. I had planned to develop the trapezoidal shape with membrane of PVDF material and with 10 electrodes of Silver. And see the simulation which could help me in fixing the position of electrode for different sound frequencies. One of my senior worked on this using 5.4 Version of Comsol which had a option of Bezier polygon.I am not able to find it and thus not able to develop the model.It's my sincere request to help me out. I couldn't develop the trapezoidal shape. Please help me with this. 2023-06-22 16:45:24

 Dr. Jagatpati Raiguru

 Hello sir m new to Coventor software. I m intrested to work on DRAM memory technology.. I want to explore the SEMulator 3D of Coventor Software . i want to know wheather SEMulator 3D package is also in this COventor Software which We are using through ISTEM or not? Is it only and Only specific to MEMS devices that we are using from the ISTEM portal? Kindly Please suggest. (Thanking You Jagatpati Raiguru) 2023-10-12 15:58:45

 Mr. Franklin Kumassah

 Dear Prof, Please I need guidance on the modelling and simulation of an optomechanical MEMS accelerometer and magnetometer using COMSOL Multiphysics. Thanks.  2023-11-16 11:26:03

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