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The COMSOL Multiphysics software suite is used worldwide as an indispensable tool for a variety of computer simulations for R&D as well as for learning. It is a general-purpose simulation software package for modeling designs, devices, and processes in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. In addition to using multiphysics modeling for one’s own projects, one can also turn the resulting models into simulation applications for use by other design teams, for manufacturing, and for testing.
Specifically, COMSOL Multiphysics is a simulation platform that encompasses all of the steps in the modeling workflow — from defining geometries, material properties, and the physics that describe specific phenomena to solving and postprocessing models for producing accurate and trustworthy results.
The COMSOL Multiphysics is hosted on a secure Azure Cloud and to be used simultaneously by up to 60 users located anywhere in the country. It is intended to offer the cloud-based COMSOL Multiphysics through the I-STEM web portal to researchers around the country, who are registered with the portal. It is expected to be used widely and regularly by many researchers, especially those in the smaller institutions which cannot often afford to license COMSOL.
Basic Module
Basic : COMSOL provides an IDE and unified workflow for electrical, mechanical, fluid, acoustics, and chemical applications. Beside the classical problems that can be addressed with application modules, the core Multiphysics package can be used to solve PDEs in weak form.
Advanced Modules
AC/DC Module: This Module gives you a wide range of modelling features and numerical methods for investigating electromagnetic fields and EMI/EMC by solving Maxwell's. The main purpose to analyse electromagnetic systems and processes equations. Induction heating, Joule heating & resistive heating, deformation & stress due to electromagnetic force & torque and Lorentz forces in solids and fluids are included in AC/DC module.
Acoustics Module: The Acoustics Module is an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software that provides tools for modeling acoustics and vibrations for applications such as speakers, mobile devices, microphones, mufflers, sensors, sonar, and flowmeters. You can use the specialized features to visualize acoustic fields and build virtual prototypes of devices or components. The Acoustics Module also includes many specialized formulations and material models that can be used for dedicated application areas, like thermoviscous acoustics used in miniature transducers and mobile devices or Biot's equations for modeling poroelastic waves. The multiphysics environment is extended further with several dedicated numerical methods, including the finite element method (FEM), boundary element method (BEM), ray tracing, and discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (dG-FEM).
Battery Design Module: The Battery Design Module models and simulates the fundamental processes in the electrodes and electrolytes of batteries. These simulations may involve the transport of charged and neutral species, current conduction, fluid flow, heat transfer, and electrochemical reactions in porous electrodes.
CFD Module: The CFD Module provides a dedicated physics interface for defining models of heat transfer in fluid and solid domains coupled to fluid flow in the fluid domain.
Chemical Reaction Engineering Module: This Module provides a user interface for creating, inspecting, and editing model equations, kinetic expressions, functions, and variables for chemical systems.
Composite Materials Module: A composite material is a heterogeneous material composed of two or more integrated constituents for enhanced structural performance. This module is useful for analysis of layered composite structures using these modelling tools and functionality tailored.
Corrosion Module: The Corrosion Module allows engineers and scientists to investigate these processes, gain an understanding of the extent to which corrosion could occur over the lifetime of a structure, and implement preventative measures to inhibit electrochemical corrosion, in order to protect their structures.
Electrodeposition Module: The Electrodeposition Module is suited for a wide variety of applications, including: metal deposition for electronics and electrical parts; corrosion and wear protection; decorative electroplating; electroforming of parts with thin and complex structures; etching; electromachining; electrowinning; and electrorefining.
Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module: The Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module provides engineers with state-of-the-art modeling and simulation tools for fuel cells and electrolyzers, along with general-purpose tools for realistic fluid flow properties and detailed electrochemical simulations.
Heat Transfer Module: This Module allows you to analyse heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation, also includes a comprehensive set of features for investigating thermal designs and effects of heat loads.
Liquid & Gas Properties Module: The Liquid & Gas Properties Module provides tools for computing thermodynamics properties, including density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity, ratio of specific heat, speed of sound, and more, for liquid and gas mixtures of arbitrary chemical composition. The module is helpful for CFD, heat transfer, and acoustics simulations in the absence of chemical reactions. The liquid and gas properties are calculated based on a large variety of thermodynamic property models and thermodynamic models for liquid mixtures; gas mixtures; and gas–liquid mixtures, so-called flash calculations.
LiveLink for AutoCAD: LiveLink™ for AutoCAD® includes an array of tools to facilitate the integration of multiphysics simulation into your design process. Features include geometry repair and defeaturing, support for automatic updates to a CAD design, optimization of design parameters, and automated parametric sweeps in COMSOL Multiphysics.
LiveLink for Simulink: LiveLink™ for Simulink® product, which is useful for performing cosimulation with the Simulink® software and reduced-order modeling. It also facilitates control design and simulation using the MATLAB® software and the Control System Toolbox.
LiveLink™ for MATLAB®: This module allows you to utilize the full power of MATLAB and its toolboxes in pre-processing, model manipulation and post-processing.
Material Library: The Material Browser allows to manage all of your model’s materials in one place, and can be complemented by the Material Library. The library contains data for 3870 materials – including the elements, minerals, metal alloys, thermal insulators, semiconductors, and piezoelectric materials.
MEMS Module: The MEMS Module provides a dedicated physics interface for electromechanics that, for MEMS resonators, is used to compute the variation of the resonant frequency with applied DC bias – the frequency decreases with applied potential, due to the softening of the coupled electromechanical system.
Metal Processing Module: The Metal Processing Module brings two new physics interfaces, Metal Phase Transformation and Austenite Decomposition, for analyzing metallurgical phase transformations. Both of these interfaces provide functionality to model diffusive as well as displacive phase transformations.
Microfluidics Module: Basic COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6 allows to set up coupled electrokinetic and magnetodynamic simulations including electrophoresis, magnetophoresis, dielectrophoresis, electroosmosis, and electrowetting. The Microfluidics Module provides dedicated methods for simulation of 2-phase flow with the level set, phase field, and moving mesh methods. For each of these, the capabilities of the Microfluidics Module include surface tension forces, capillary forces, and Marangoni effects.
Mixer Module: The Mixer Module provides specialized functionality for modeling free fluid surfaces in mixers. This functionality allows you to include the effects of surface tension forces and contact angles between the free surface and the walls.
Molecular Flow Module: The Molecular Flow Module is designed to offer previously unavailable simulation capabilities for the accurate modeling of low-pressure gas flows in complex geometries. One can model isothermal and nonisothermal molecular flows and calculate the heat flux contribution from the gas molecules.
Multibody Dynamics Module: The Multibody Dynamics Module is an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics software that provides an advanced set of tools for designing and optimizing multibody structural mechanics systems using finite element analysis (FEA).
Optimization Module: This module is to improve your design by changing the design variables, while satisfying your constraints. The Optimization Module is a general interface for defining objective functions, specifying design variables, and setting up these constraints.
Particle Tracing Module: The Particle Tracing Module extends the functionality of the COMSOL environment for computing the trajectory of particles in a fluid or electromagnetic field, including particle-particle, fluid-particle, and particle-field interactions. One can seamlessly combine any application-specific module with the Particle Tracing Module for computing the fields that drive particle motion. Particles can have mass or be mass-less. The movement is governed by either the Newtonian, Lagrangian, or Hamiltonian formulations from classical mechanics.
Pipe Flow Module: Pipe flow simulations provide the velocity, pressure, material concentrations, and temperature distributions along pipes and channels, while it can also simulate acoustic wave propagation and the water hammer effect.
Plasma Module: Plasma Module brings easy-to-use tools for the study of low temperature plasmas. The module is designed for researchers, engineers and experimentalists in the field of plasma science to model non-equilibrium discharges which occur in a wide range of engineering disciplines.
Polymer Flow Module: The Polymer Flow Module is an add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics that is used for defining and solving problems involving non-Newtonian fluids with viscoelastic, thixotropic, shear thickening, or shear thinning properties.
Porous Media Flow Module: The Porous Media Flow Module allows engineers within many different industries, such as mining, biomedicine, and the food industry, to analyze and optimize their processes in a user-friendly environment. Applications such as multiphase transport in porous media can be addressed within a fully multiphysics approach.
Ray Optics Module: The Ray Optics Module is an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software that allows to model electromagnetic wave propagation with a ray tracing approach. The propagating waves are treated as rays that can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed at boundaries in the model geometry.
RF Module: This Module enables you to analyse RF designs in Multiphysics scenarios which include microwave and RF heating within the same software environment. Although the traditional EM modelling allow you to examine RF physics alone.
Semiconductor Module: This Module provides dedicated tools for the analysis of semiconductor device operation at the fundamental physics level. The module is based on the drift-diffusion equations, using isothermal or non-isothermal transport models. This module helps you to simulate a range of practical devices like bipolar transistors, metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFETs), metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), Schottky diodes, and P-N junctions.
Structural Mechanics Module: This Module brings you modelling tools and functionality tailored which is used for analysing mechanical behaviour of solid structures (examples stress and strain levels; deformations, stiffness etc.). Mechanical engineering, civil engineering, geomechanics, biomechanics, and MEMS devices are the common application area of this module.
Subsurface Flow Module: The Subsurface Flow Module is for engineers and scientists who want to simulate fluid flow below ground or in other porous media and also connect this flow with other phenomena, such as poroelasticity, heat transfer, chemistry, and electromagnetic fields.
Wave Optics Module : The Wave Optics Module includes a specialized beam envelope method that can be used to simulate optically large devices with far fewer computational resources than traditional methods. There are features available for modeling optical systems, such as domain polarization, which is useful for nonlinear wave propagation. The material library includes dispersion relations for the refractive indices of more than 1400 materials, including a large number of glasses used for lenses, semiconductor materials, and in other areas.
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