Indian Science Technology and Engineering facilities Map
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Service CodeService/MaintenanceService Description
E16677000001000016Test service added by inode team 13052021Description
FC33F9000186000045Salt Fog TestingTo determine the effect of corrosion on the item
53D3B7000191000054FAME -AnalysisPhenotypic Identification through FAME_ID for aerobic bacteria. Whole-Cell Fatty Acid Analysis. analyzing fatty acids from almost every type of matrix, including microbes, animal tissue, and marine organisms Includes: a) Qualitative Fame Report b) Phylogenetic tree, c) Dendrogram, d) 2D Plot, e) Histogram, f) NJ Tree, g) Rooted NJ Tree, h) Tracking, i) Cluster Program. Cyanobacteria (As it has a diverse range of fatty acids, so the PLFA method is the best choice to name as many as possible)
AEFC12000192000054FAME -AnalysisPhenotypic Identification through FAME_ID for anaerobic bacteria, Actinomycetes, Fungi and Yeast. Whole-Cell Fatty Acid Analysis. analyzing fatty acids from almost every type of matrix, including microbes, animal tissue, and marine organisms Includes: a) Qualitative Fame Report b) Phylogenetic tree, c) Dendrogram, d) 2D Plot, e) Histogram, f) NJ Tree, g) Rooted NJ Tree, h) Tracking, i) Cluster Program. Fatty acid composition (either all the fatty acids present in the sample, or specific fatty acids). Algae Analysis Cyanobacteria (As it has a diverse range of fatty acids, so the PLFA method is the best choice to name as many as possible)
1A288A000193000054Direct- FAME -AnalysisPhenotypic Identification through FAME-dir ( Direct FAME) , Fatty acid composition (either all the fatty acids present in the sample, or specific fatty acids).Algae Analysis Phytoplankton, can characterize novel organisms required for publishing in competitive journals such as the IJSEM. The analysis provides a profile of fatty acid peak structure and relative percentages. Includes: a) Qualitative Fame Report b) Phylogenetic tree, c) Dendrogram, d) 2D Plot, e) Histogram, f) NJ Tree, g) Rooted NJ Tree, h) Tracking, i) Cluster Program. Fatty acid composition (either all the fatty acids present in the sample, or specific fatty acids). Algae Analysis Cyanobacteria (As it has a diverse range of fatty acids, so the PLFA method is the best choice to name as many as possible)
473A6A000194000054Phospholipids Fatty Acid analysis (PLFAPhospholipids Fatty Acid analysis (PLFA). Soil, Biochar, Compost, Etc analysis identifies fatty acids from the “living” microbial biomass, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) hyphae. They serve as useful biomarkers to determine the living microbial types and abundance in the soil (e.g., branched chain fatty acids are a biomarker for Gram-positive bacteria). Includes: a) Qualitative PLFA Report b) Mole, c) BAT, d) FAT e) Chromatogram Fatty acid composition (either all the fatty acids present in the sample, or specific fatty acids). Cyanobacteria (As it has a diverse range of fatty acids, so the PLFA method is the best choice to name as many as
12CF8C000195000054NLFA- AnalysisNeutral lipid fatty acids (NLFA) analysis identifies fatty acids from AMF spores. (mainly in the form of triglycerides) are an essential energy storage component of eukaryotic organisms. Neutral lipid fatty acids (NLFAs) are the main structural component of the neutral lipid molecule. In microbial community analysis, NLFAs are used to measure the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), the most widespread symbiont fungus, involved with 85% of land plants and many important crops. Includes: a) Qualitative PLFA Report b) Mole, c) BAT, d) FAT e) Chromatogram Fatty acid composition (either all the fatty acids present in the sample, or specific fatty acids).
187449000196000054PLFA + NLFA analysis. PLFA + NLFA analysis. AMF abundance can only be measured accurately Through PLFA + NLFA analysis, you can measure the “living” biomass, broad microbial community structure, and environmental stress impacts on soil in near real-time — meaning you can quickly measure the impact of various inputs on soil health.
8B2823000197000054Bioburden TestingBioburden Testing
8A13F0000198000054Identification of specific isolates (per isolate)Identification of specific isolates (per isolate)
2DEA9D000199000054Isolation of Specific MicrobeIsolation of Specific Microbe
BA73A8000200000054CFU CountCFU Count
C3101C000201000054CFU CountCFU Count
38F606000202000054Permanent microscopic slidesPermanent microscopic slides
221281000203000054Fatty Acid profiling of Cynobacteria,algae,yeast,biomass,biofuels and Omega 3s and VegetableFatty Acid profiling of Cynobacteria,algae,yeast,biomass,biofuels and Omega 3s and Vegetable
17293000020400005416S rDNAsequencing of Bacteria / Actinomycetes (from pure culture)
94F64F00020500005416S rDNAGene sequencing for Bacterial identification, the whole up to 1500-bp length
F1A3F800020600005416Sr RNA16Sr RNA Sequencing
0BB2F000020700005418S rDNA18S rDNA sequencing of Fungi / Yeast (from Pure Culture)
8BB6A700020800005418Sr DNA18Sr DNA Gene sequencing for Fungi / Yeast identification, the whole up to 1500-bp length
0267CC00020900005418Sr RNA18Sr RNA Sequencing
752B12000210000054FAME +16S rDNAAerobic FAME +16S rDNA sequencing of Bacteria (from pure culture) Includes: a) Qualitative Fame Report b) Phylogenetic tree, c) Dendrogram, d) 2D Plot, e) Histogram, f) NJ Tree, g) Rooted NJ Tree, h) Tracking, i) Cluster Program
85D08D00021100005416S rDNA16Sr DNA Gene sequencing for Bacterial identification, the whole up to 1500-bp length
E80484000212000054FAME +16S rDNAActinomycetes FAME +16S rDNA sequencing of Bacteria, Actinomycetes (from pure culture) Includes: a) Qualitative Fame Report b) Phylogenetic tree, c) Dendrogram, d) 2D Plot, e) Histogram, f) NJ Tree, g) Rooted NJ Tree, h) Tracking, i) Cluster Program
6162DC00021300005416S rDNA16Sr DNA Gene sequencing for Actinomycetes identification, the whole up to 1500-bp length
4E536D000214000054FAME +18S rDNAAnaerobic FAME +18S rDNA sequencing of Bacteria, and Actinomycetes (from pure culture) Includes: a) Qualitative Fame Report b) Phylogenetic tree, c) Dendrogram, d) 2D Plot, e) Histogram, f) NJ Tree, g) Rooted NJ Tree, h) Tracking, i) Cluster Program
619FC200021500005416S rDNA16Sr DNA Gene sequencing for Actinomycetes identification, the whole up to 1500-bp length
AD8D21000216000054PH (Soil)PH (Soil)
C5E710000217000054EC (Soil)EC (Soil)
D2E019000218000054Organic carbon (Soil)Organic carbon (Soil)
0F85FA000219000054Available N (Soil)Available N (Soil)
B02C4B000220000054Available P (Soil)Available P (Soil)
C05146000221000054Available K (Soil)Available K (Soil)
666F1F000222000054Available Zn (Soil)Available Zn (Soil)
BC6228000223000054Available Cu (Soil)Available Cu (Soil)
89DB73000224000054Available Fe (Soil)Available Fe (Soil)
2ED599000225000054Available Mn (Soil)Available Mn (Soil)
D81FBD000226000054Exchange Ca (Soil)Exchange Ca (Soil)
7B5A39000227000054Exchange Mg (Soil)Exchange Mg (Soil)
25EB6F000228000054Exchange Na (Soil)Exchange Na (Soil)
32CE68000229000054Total N (Plant)Total N (Plant)
D6D310000230000054Total P (Plant)Total P (Plant)
C329F6000231000054Total K (Plant)Total K (Plant)
B4F1AD000232000054Total Ca PlantTotal Ca Plant
5BF52B000233000054Total Mg PlantTotal Mg Plant
061FA3000234000054Total Zn PlantTotal Zn Plant
959D69000235000054Total Cu PlantTotal Cu Plant
6C200A000236000054Total Fe (Plant)Total Fe (Plant)
C28E52000237000054Total Mn (Plant)Total Mn (Plant)
CFA65F000241000096Antimicrobial Activity ProfilingPer samples (2 Gram positive Bacterium, 2 Gram Negative Bacterium & 2 Fungi) Upto 5 -7 Concentrations + Positive Control & Negative Control
DB6FA3000242000096Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Analysis of SamplesFrom Raw Sample to Analysed Results
DC4968000243000096Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) Analysis of SamplesFrom Raw Samples to Analyzed Results
C2F7B0000244000045Cold Temperature Testing
CC2C75000245000045High Temeperature Testing
139C4A000246000132RNA sequenicingRNA QC RNA Library preparation Sequencing using Illumina PE150, (~8-9 GB /sample), Q30>80% and Bioinformatics Analysis
C3CD92000247000117NGS-02-TxomTranscriptome sequencing service : RNA Sequencing : Includes RNA QC ,RNA Library preparation ,Sequencing using Illumina PE150, (~8-9 GB /sample), Q30>80% and Bioinformatics Analysis.
3A0D70000253000147Cytotoxicity study using MTT assay
4A826E000254000147Cytotoxicity study using LDH leakage assay
DE6D25000258000170High-fidelity topology optimization [CHAOS Numerics]CHAOS Numerics offers high-fidelity structural and thermo-fluid topology optimization as a SaaS model on the cloud. We deploy HPC-ready CPUs from Microsoft Azure to perform large-scale computations. Access topology optimisation in high-fidelity on up to 1000s of MPI processes.
DB82B8000259000171Nanotechnology Workshop trainingHands on training on nano material and device simulation using RESCU and NanoDCAL Software
7EFBF4000264000181Electric Vehicle Design
79C602000265000184Hire with Edubild AI - Your Talent Aquisition PartnerAt Edubild, we're redefining the recruitment process with our groundbreaking AI Interviewer, Askey. Askey is designed to streamline the initial screening stages of hiring, ensuring that you can effortlessly shortlist the most suitable candidates for your clients. Here’s how Askey can transform your hiring approach: 1) AI Job Interviews: Leverage Askey, our AI interviewer, to conduct preliminary screenings. Efficiently shortlist candidates based on objective, data-driven insights. 2) 360° Overview of Candidates: Access detailed profiles that include Interpersonal skills, skill assessments, interview performances, and employability scores, from the very first interaction. 3) Recruitment Dashboard: Utilize our intuitive dashboard to manage and analyze your recruitment process. Make informed decisions with real-time data at your fingertips. 4) Custom Job Interviews: Adapt our AI interviewer, Askey, to align with the unique criteria and skills required for your job role. This ensures a highly efficient and targeted candidate screening process, attuned to your specific hiring requirements.
A7C450000266000184AI Powered Skill Mapping & Placement Assistance for InstitutionsEdubild’s platform equips students with AI-driven mock interviews, personalized career guidance, and skill assessments, ensuring they are not just educated but truly job-ready. Partner with us to transform your students' potential into success, giving them a competitive edge in their career journey Our Features: 1) Our AI Mock Interview Practice: Empowers candidates with realistic interview simulations, providing invaluable feedback and improvement suggestions. 2) Skill Assessment Tests: Evaluates over 100 skill sets, helping candidates certify and showcase their competencies. 3) AI-Generated Resumes: Facilitates the creation of professional resumes tailored to individual profiles and career aspirations. 4) Psychometric Assessment: Offers insights into candidates' communication, teamwork, and leadership abilities. 5) AI-Powered Career Guidance: Provides personalized career advice, guiding students effectively along their career paths. 6) Enhancing Placement Records: Equips Educational institution with data to focus on students' pain points, significantly improving their chances in the job market. 7) Jobs and Experienships: A portal to access a wide range of job openings and unique Experienships (project-based internships). Enabled with easy Application procedure and connects with potential employers through our platform.
212588000267000158Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)Quanta 200 is an all-in-one scanning electron microscope, offering a complete range of imaging and analysis capabilities. With its tungsten emitter, it can be used in both high and low vacuum modes, giving you access to all the data you need.
It has always been the basic tenet of the Government of India, in generously funding R&D efforts at academic institutions over the years, that facilities established through such support be made available to those needing them and qualified to make use of them for their own research work

However, this was never easy or straightforward for, among other reasons, there was no ready source of information of what facility was available and where. Thanks to the Web, it is much easier today to have a national and regional “inventory of resources”, so as to match users with the resources they need, and to do all this in an efficient and transparent manner.

This can lead to a leap in R&D productivity and greatly enhance the effectiveness of public investment. This is the motivation behind I-STEM.
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