I-STEM in association with iCreate conducted Online Webinar for the Dash of Discovery webinar series on Spent Acid Waste Management Challenge 2023 by iCreate, Gujarat

Published on October 18,2023

I-STEM in association with iCreate conducted the Online Webinar on 18th October 2023, for the Dash of Discovery webinar series on Spent Acid Waste Management Challenge 2023 by iCreate, Gujarat.

The startups, innovators, entrepreneurs, and students across the country were invited to know more about the program. Mr. Prasen Vinchurkar from iCreate, explained about the program. From I-STEM Team Ms. Diksha, I-STEM Team represented and hosted the event. 30+ Enthusiasts from all across the country participated in the program. The idea is to create a cleaner, greener world together. The Webinar helped participants to understand the Challenge better.

For queries an email to istem@iisc.ac.in can be sent.