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    Basic Information

Technology developed: HP-Razor: A High efficiency, Metal Cutting Additive for LPG (TP19764774733)
Category: Product(Hardware/Material/Software)
Details of Inventor(s):
Inventor Institution/Organization/Company Department Designation
Krishnamurthy Narayanan HP Green R&D Center Nano Science Chief Manager
Sandip Bhowmik HP Green R&D Center Analytical Manager
B Ravi HP Green R&D Center HPCL R&D General Manager
Technical Application Area: Engineering
If 'Other', please specify:
Please give more details of new technical application area:
Oxyfuel cutting (OFC) is a process that uses hydrocarbon fuel gas such as acetylene, propane, propylene, butane, or natural gas and oxygen to cut metals. OFC is essentially a chemical reaction between pure oxygen and metal (steel) to form metal oxide (iron oxide) at an elevated temperature. This process is the most extensively used in industrial thermal processes such as cutting, severing, gouging, and piercing. Acetylene is typically the fuel of choice for general cutting and welding due to its high flame temperature, flame propagation rate, and higher amount of energy released during combustion compared to other hydrocarbon fuels such as propane, propylene, natural gas, etc. However, there are certain shortcomings in using acetylene as torch gas like cost, slag formation, difficulty in storage and transportation and backfiring tendency, etc. In order to mitigate the above shortcoming, we developed a novel LPG additive (20 ppm doping) for metal cutting applications, which exhibits superior cutting performance when compared to both LPG and acetylene. The entire development cycle was completed in-house. Development of additive, lab tests, and optimization were carried out at HP Green R&D center. The product was tested and certified by Welding Research Institute, BHEL, Trichy. The commercial trials were initially taken up at RINL, Visakh, and JSW, Salem. The product was also certified by Llyods and SGS agencies. In the preceding financial year, the product was commercialized and has generated revenue worth of about 4 Crs. The current total market for cutting gas is about 80 TMT and for other heating applications (Glass blowing, furnace, brazing, and industrial heating) is about 20 TMT. Considering a market share of 30 percent, the potential revenue per annum for HP RAZOR is about 240 Crs. Given the possibility to market the product in other related sectors, the sales volume can increase further significantly.
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) Bengaluru
Affiliated Ministry: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG)
Type of technology development: Indigenous
Does the technology help in replacing any import items currently
procured from outside India?
Does the technology have export potential? Yes
Category of Technology developed: Immediate Deployment
Stage of Development: Commercialized
Please describe in detail including the TRL Level:
Oxyfuel cutting is a process that uses hydrocarbon fuel gas such as acetylene, propane, propylene, butane, or natural gas and oxygen to cut metals. This is essentially a chemical reaction between pure oxygen and metal (steel) to form metal oxide (iron oxide) at an elevated temperature. Exorbitant amount of heat is released, specifically during the second reaction. This predominates the first reaction and rapidly increases the temperature at metal-flame contact and drives the cutting process. This process is the most extensively used in industrial thermal cutting because it can cut metal plates having thicknesses ranging from 0.5 mm to 500 mm or more. The equipment required for the metal cutting process is low cost and can be operated manually or it can be mechanized/automated. Oxyfuel gas cutting begins by heating a small area on the surface of the metal to the ignition temperature of 750 to 870 °C (1400 to 1600 °F, for steel) with an oxyfuel gas flame. Upon reaching this temperature, the surface of the metal will appear bright red. At this point, the heat released during the exothermic 2nd reaction supports continued oxidation of the metal as the cut progresses. However, depending on the fuel composition, torch configuration and metallurgy of steel, un-oxidized or partially oxidized material (slag) can form during cutting process. Detailed analysis has revealed more than 30-40% of slag being composed of un-oxidized metal. Pressurized oxygen jet typically flushes the molten oxide and slag away, exposing fresh surfaces for cutting. This, however, increases the overall oxygen requirement for the cutting process. There are several fuel like acetylene propane, propylene, etc. that offer various advantages when used for cutting metal, and therefore the strengths of each fuel for a particular application matters the most when selecting a cutting fuel. All can cut metal, but some cut certain metals better than others and offer cost and safety advantages. Acetylene is typically the preferred choice of fuel for general cutting and welding due to its high flame temperature, flame propagation rate and higher amount of energy released during combustion compared to other hydrocarbon fuels such as propane, propylene, natural gas, etc used for cutting and welding. However, there are certain shortcoming in using acetylene as torch gas like cost, slag formation, difficulty of storage and to transport and backfiring tendency etc. To mitigate the above shortcomings, an additive formulation has been developed to strengthen the properties of LPG. The additive comprises of a base organometallic compound, which is soluble in the LPG, thus enhancing the catalytic efficiency to the theoretical maximum, alongside components that increases the catalytic efficiency through synergistic effect to match the performance of acetylene and to have a safe fuel. In the present invention, we at HPGRDC have developed an LPG soluble, homogenous, catalytic system to efficiently improve the metal cutting process through oxy-LPG torch.


Applications: TP19764774733-app.pdf
Advantages: TP19764774733-adv.pdf

    Technology Inputs:

Imported Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Imported Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Existing R&D Facilities used:
Facilities Year ITC-HS Code

   Patents & Publications:

Filed Patents (No.) Granted Patents (No.) Year
1 0 2017-18
Submitted (No.) Published (No.) Year
0 0 NA

    Commercialization Potential:

Who are the Potential Licensees? Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
What commercially available products address
the same problem?
Company Product Problem Addressed
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Nanocut Metal cutting additive for LPG
Would you like to develop this invention further with
corporate research support?
Would you be interested in participating in cluster based
programs for commercialization research or business
planning for your invention?
      Submitted by: C Bennet Date of Submission: 21-9-2023

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