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   Technology and Product Development

    Basic Information

Technology developed: UrbAirIndia (TP19765197156)
Category: Technology Service/Know how
Details of Inventor(s):
Inventor Institution/Organization/Company Department Designation
Ms Akshara Jayanand Kaginalkar C-DAC HPC-S & EA Senior Director
Mr Sajeevan G C-DAC Emerging Solutions & e-Gov Associate Director
Dr. Manoj Khare C-DAC Spatial Scieces & Disaster Management Group Senior Director
Technical Application Area: Information Technology
If 'Other', please specify:
Please give more details of new technical application area:
Air quality has been a matter of serious concern in Indian cities. Action planning for improving air quality and associated public health require adequate analysis of relevant scientific information and data. It is important that the policy makers, public and research community are equipped with scientific data and tools for quick analysis to facilitate appropriate actions. UrbAirIndia is an integrated web based GIS enabled system for Indian urban air quality management. It provides science based decision for reduction of air pollution. It is an expert system that deals with various components of air quality management viz. air quality monitoring, emission inventory, dispersion and receptor modeling, and multiple scenario analysis. Therefore, it is expected to provide useful inputs to policymakers for taking air quality management decisions, environmental researchers for analyzing scientific data, public as an information portal. Besides establishing an automatic framework for strategies to reduce pollution, UrbAirIndia can be used to assess air pollution impacts from present and future development for a sustainable future. The system combines air quality monitoring data of user defined campaigns or Projects, emission inventory, query mechanism for data analysis and future scenarios, dispersion and receptor modeling with plug-play facility using GIS platform. UrbAirIndia has four major components, Air Quality Monitoring Emission Inventory Dispersion Modeling Receptor Modeling
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) Pune
Affiliated Ministry: MeitY, Govt. of India
Type of technology development: Indigenous
Does the technology help in replacing any import items currently
procured from outside India?
Does the technology have export potential? 1
Category of Technology developed: Immediate Deployment
Stage of Development: Commercialized
Please describe in detail including the TRL Level:
Following stages completed Digital database creation Quality Control of Digital Data Preparation of GIS Database Preparation Air Quality Database GIS data Integration with Air Quality data Development of modules - Air Quality Monitoring - Emission Inventory - Dispersion Modeling - Receptor Modeling Software testing Software Deployment


Applications: Receive and store air quality monitoring data. Receive and store activity data and emission factors for various sources. Calculate emissions estimates and store emission inventory data. Generate future scenarios for business as usual as well as with control options for various sources. Receive and store dispersion modeling output data with meteorological data. Receive and store source profile data for particulate matter. Receive and store receptor modeling output data in the form of source contribution estimates. Perform statistical analysis through queries and display results in the form of GIS maps, graphs and reports.
Advantages: System deals with various components of air quality management viz. air quality monitoring, emission inventory, dispersion and receptor modeling, and multiple scenario analysis. The system combines air quality monitoring data of user defined campaigns/Projects, emission inventory, query mechanism for data analysis and future scenarios, dispersion and receptor modeling with plug-play facility using GIS platform. It can provide useful inputs to policymakers for taking air quality management decisions, environmental researchers for analyzing scientific data, public as an information portal. Establishing an automatic framework for strategies to reduce pollution. Perform statistical analysis through queries and display results in the form of GIS maps, graphs and reports. System have controlled access to CPCB, SPCB, researchers, general public, for analysis, data generation, and general viewing, etc.

    Technology Inputs:

Imported Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Imported Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Existing R&D Facilities used:
Facilities Year ITC-HS Code

   Patents & Publications:

Filed Patents (No.) Granted Patents (No.) Year
0 0 NA
Submitted (No.) Published (No.) Year
0 0 NA

    Commercialization Potential:

Who are the Potential Licensees?
What commercially available products address
the same problem?
Company Product Problem Addressed
Would you like to develop this invention further with
corporate research support?
Would you be interested in participating in cluster based
programs for commercialization research or business
planning for your invention?
      Submitted by: Jasjit Singh Date of Submission: 30-9-2020

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