Indian Science Technology and Engineering facilities Map
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  Digital Catalogue for Technology and Products Development

   Technology and Product Development

    Basic Information

Technology developed: A method and process for efficient use of geographically dispersed resources (TP19769270136)
Category: Product(Hardware/Material/Software)
Details of Inventor(s):
Inventor Institution/Organization/Company Department Designation
Sanjeev Kumar Shrivastava Indian Institute of Science Bangalore CeNSE Chief Operating Officer
S A Shivashankar Indian Institute of Science Bangalore CeNSE Visiting Professor
Navakanta Bhat Indian Institute of Science Bangalore CeNSE Professor
Technical Application Area: Other
If 'Other', please specify:
Software Development
Please give more details of new technical application area:
Software Development
Indian Science Technology and Engineering facilities Map (I-STEM)
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Affiliated Ministry: Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser
Type of technology development: Indigenous
Does the technology help in replacing any import items currently
procured from outside India?
Does the technology have export potential? Yes
Category of Technology developed: Immediate Deployment
Stage of Development: Commercialized
Please describe in detail including the TRL Level:
The technology is developed and implemented to build a software or a portal for the scientific community. The Portal Indian Science Technology and Engineering facilities Map (I-STEM) is launched and dedicated to the nation by the Honourable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi on Jan 03, 2020 during Indian Science Congress 2020.


Applications: The I-STEM National Web Portal, which was launched formally in Jan.2020 by the Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, began as an initiative to Link Researchers and Resources by creating a database of R&D resources in various institutions across the country. Its genesis was the very positive experience gained at the Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru) in sharing its national facilities with the R&D community of the country. The I-STEM portal today hosts an inventory of more than 20,000 equipment in some 850 institutions in various parts of the country. These can be utilized by researchers through reservations made in consultation with the host institution and paid for through a secure payment gateway. Though the pandemic has hindered extensive use of the portal and sharing of resources, the large number of visits to the portal is evidence of steadily increasing awareness of the I-STEM national initiative, sponsored and funded by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (OPSA) to the Govt. of India. This is also reflected in the large number of researchers who have registered on the Portal.
Advantages: A major mission of the ETG at OPSA is the establishment of City Knowledge and Innovation Clusters in a number of technology hubs of the country, the objective being to create strong linkages between existing academic institutions, national and state research laboratories, and other stakeholders like relevant ministries, industry partners, start-ups, MSMEs, state governments, philanthropic foundations, and international organizations. The overarching goal is to develop and harness synergies so as to make for an economy based on innovation, built on a shared ecosystem and aimed at gaining international competitiveness while also providing solutions to regional problems and issues. The goals of the clusters make it natural for I-STEM to be their home on the web. As such, the links to the various clusters is provided through the I-STEM portal. The goals of I-STEM include serving as a platform for generating technical manpower through a variety of training programs conducted by Regional I-STEM Hubs, which would form a natural partner and a complement to the Clusters. As the locations of the Regional I-STEM Hubs would generally be different from those of the City Clusters, the technical manpower trained in the Regional Hubs could feed into the City Clusters, providing valuable professional opportunities to youth in the innovation ecosystem. In addition to serving as the portal through which needy researchers are linked to required resources, I-STEM plans to provide access directly through the portal to other valuable facilities that can be made available through the Cloud. Such resources are meant to empower researchers and innovators throughout the country. Together with the Panel of Experts who can be consulted through the Portal, and the access to service providers and providers of specialised supplies, I-STEM is the go to destination that is defining a new and forward-looking paradigm for Research and Development and innovation in the country.

    Technology Inputs:

Imported Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
NA NA 00000000
Indigenous Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Software NA 00000000
Imported Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
NA NA 00000000
Indigenous Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
NA NA 00000000
Existing R&D Facilities used:
Facilities Year ITC-HS Code
NA NA 00000000

   Patents & Publications:

Filed Patents (No.) Granted Patents (No.) Year
4 0 2020-21
Submitted (No.) Published (No.) Year
0 1 NA

    Commercialization Potential:

Who are the Potential Licensees? Scientific Community from Academia and Industries
What commercially available products address
the same problem?
Company Product Problem Addressed
Would you like to develop this invention further with
corporate research support?
Would you be interested in participating in cluster based
programs for commercialization research or business
planning for your invention?
      Submitted by: I-STEM Team Head Date of Submission: 6-7-2021

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It has always been the basic tenet of the Government of India, in generously funding R&D efforts at academic institutions over the years, that facilities established through such support be made available to those needing them and qualified to make use of them for their own research work

However, this was never easy or straightforward for, among other reasons, there was no ready source of information of what facility was available and where. Thanks to the Web, it is much easier today to have a national and regional “inventory of resources”, so as to match users with the resources they need, and to do all this in an efficient and transparent manner.

This can lead to a leap in R&D productivity and greatly enhance the effectiveness of public investment. This is the motivation behind I-STEM.
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