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Job Description
To work within the Bio Imaging facility at MBGU of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) to provide expertise in image analysis relevant to biological light microscopy image data through collaborative interaction with members of JNCASR. Specifically, to develop and apply algorithms and pipelines for the analysis of images acquired in the Light Microscopy Facility to further the research goals of groups at the JNCASR.
Main duties:
• To work closely with Bio Imaging facility staff to help specify appropriate image analysis protocols and further to contextualize the information extracted from the acquired data.
• To provide solutions for the analysis of data coming from high end instruments offering nano-scale capabilities up to macroscopic imaging including image scanning, confocal and super resolution microscopy.
• To contribute to teaching activities in the field of image processing and analysis with the aim of better equipping LMB staff, post-doctoral scientists and students to work on their own imaging data.
• To improve the use and dissemination of open source and commercial software in the Laboratory.
• To provide expertise in image processing and analysis for image segmentation, object detection and image reconstruction using state of the art approaches in image processing and computer vision including machine learning and machine intelligence.
• Develop expertise and propose practical solutions to diverse image processing and analysis problems such as image segmentation.
• To contribute to the development of the processing and analysis for light microscopy image activity within the Laboratory and foster the use of advanced machine learning approaches.
• To keep up to date with developments in the field, proposing or implementing changes of direction as necessary.
Technical skills and expertise:
• Able to understand the field of image processing and analysis.
• Experience of computer programming, such as Python, Matlab, scripting or macros in Fiji/ImageJ.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to facilitate collaboration with and training of a wide range of people.
• Experience of and proven expertise in the field of light microscope image processing and analysis.
• Familiarity with high performance computing.
• Experience in machine learning.
• Experience in the management of large data sets
Location: Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore
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