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The initial appointment of the RA-I will be for one year, extendable for one more year, depending upon the performance of the candidate and available funding.
Essential and Desirable Qualifications
The applicant must have obtained a Ph.D. degree in Physics from a recognized Institute/University with expertise in High Energy Particle Physics. Those who are about to submit their thesis or have already submitted their thesis but are yet to obtain their Ph.D. degree can also apply. Programming skills in C++/Python language and a familiarity with Unix/Linux-based operating systems are necessary. The successful applicant is expected to pursue their research and collaborate with faculty and postdocs in ongoing research and other academic activities in the particle physics group at IIT Kanpur.
Nature of the job
This project's main objective is to understand and unravel the nature of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. In this project, we plan to delineate the viable parameter space of various new physics models in question, given the results from the LHC and other experiments. Besides, we want to understand the nature of the underlying new physics, given any putative signals for physics beyond the SM.
Fellowship and Allowances
Rs. 47,000 + House Rent Allowance (HRA) as per the Institute norms. Accommodation inside the campus is subject to availability. HRA would be given at a permissible rate for the candidate if staying outside the campus.
Application procedure
The application deadline is April 30, 2022. Applications received on or before the deadline will receive full consideration. Interested applicants need to send their application, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a future research plan, and a list of referees, all in a single pdf file, to the email address: pdf.hepiitk@gmail.com, on or before the deadline. The selection will be based on the quality of research work, the quality of publications, a seminar (online) if found suitable, and a minimum of three reference letters (only for those short-listed candidates after the seminar).
For more details kindly visit the advertisement here: https://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/project/phy-ra-05-04-22.html
Source: IIT Kanpur Website (https://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/project/phy-ra-05-04-22.html)
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