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Age limit:
The candidate must not exceed 30 years on the last date of application. Age may be relaxed for experienced and well qualified candidates.
Job Description:
The position will directly report to COO, BioNEST, NIPER-Hyderabad. The specific job responsibilities will include the following:
1. Provide service support to the technical and scientific staff to ensure that all the specialized technology platforms are always kept in running conditions.
2. Troubleshoot the problems/issues for the instruments and minimize their down-time.
3. Address the operational issues and priorities on dailybasis
4. Coordinate with external stakeholders/engineers on a regular basis to ensure maintenance of the instruments and updation of skills by vendor/external presentations/trainings.
Selection Process:
Through Interview and Personal Interaction by a duly constituted Selection Committee. In case of high number of applicants a written test may also be conducted. Please send the applications to avishkaran.niperhyd@gmail.com. Last date of receipt of Applications: 31/05/2022 (up to 6.00 pm). Corrigendum, if any, will appear on NIPER-Hyderabad website only (http://www.niperhyd.ac.in/).
For more details visit the advertisement here: http://www.niperhyd.ac.in/PDFFiles/Avishkaran_TA.pdf
Source:NIPER-Hyderabad Website (http://www.niperhyd.ac.in/)
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