Equipment Info

CHNSO Elemental Analyzer

Equipment Code : 2736829

Make : Thermo Fisher Scientific

Model : FLASH EA 1112 Series

Institution : Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities (SAIF) IIT Bombay

Department : SAIF

Funding Agency Details : DST, Govt. of India

Pooling of Equipment slot :   No

Last AMC Done :  

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Reference Website :

Description : The CHNS(O) Analyzer find utility in determining the percentages of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Oxygen of organic compounds, based on the principle of "Dumas method" which involves the complete and instantaneous oxidation of the sample by "flash combustion". The combustion products are separated by a chromatographic column and detected by the thermal conductivity detector (T.C.D.), which gives an output signal proportional to the concentration of the individual components of the mixture.

Usage Rate: (as indicated by the custodian/host institution)

Samples External Academic User Internal Academic User International User Industry User Start-ups National Research Lab User Self (Project Investigator)
C H N S Estimation
Oxygen Estimation


i) Academic (External) means researchers belongs to the other institution.

ii) Academic (Internal but different department/lab) means researchers belongs to other department/lab or other investigators.

iii) Academic (Internal) means researchers belongs to the same institution.

Accessories / Consumables / Spare parts / Testing modes
Sample Name Sample Type Sample UOM Sample Availability Unit Cost Sample Quantity Sample Description
No Data Available