Equipment Info

Field Emission Gun Transmission Electron Microscope 300 kV with STEM, EDS and EELS

Equipment Code : 2736831


Model : Tecnai G2 F30,FEI, EDAX Octane ELITE T70, 965 GIF Quantum

Institution : Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities (SAIF) IIT Bombay

Department : SAIF

Funding Agency Details : DST and Institution

Pooling of Equipment slot :   No

Last AMC Done :  

Reference Website :

Description : 1.300KV FEG-TEM: FEI Tecnai G2, F30 is highly sophisticated, state-of-the-art instrument. This technique uses a beam of high energy electrons which is transmitted through a very thin sample to form an image to reveal the information about morphology and crystallography using diffraction pattern. The object can be magnifying up to atomic scale resolution 2 Angstrom. 2. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM): On-axis bright field (BF), Dark filed (DF) and High Angle Annular Dark Filed (HAADF). These STEM detectors are used for annular dark field imaging, Z-contrast imaging and spectroscopy mapping for chemical composition by EDS and EELS. 3. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS): EDAX Octane ELITE T70 has 70mm2, Liquid Nitrogen free, high speed silicon drift detector (SDD). Resolution: 129ev at Mn K-alpha Qualitative and quantitative analysis of elements from Be to U. Capable of single point analysis, multi-point analysis and selective element mapping, line scan and selected

Usage Rate: (as indicated by the custodian/host institution)

Samples External Academic User Internal Academic User International User Industry User Start-ups National Research Lab User Self (Project Investigator) IAP Member Academic (Internal but different department/lab)
Imaging and Diffraction
EDS -STEM Map/ Line scan


i) Academic (External) means researchers belongs to the other institution.

ii) Academic (Internal but different department/lab) means researchers belongs to other department/lab or other investigators.

iii) Academic (Internal) means researchers belongs to the same institution.

Accessories / Consumables / Spare parts / Testing modes
Sample Name Sample Type Sample UOM Sample Availability Unit Cost Sample Quantity Sample Description
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