Equipment Info

Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEGSEM) with EDS and WDS

Equipment Code : 2736832

Make : JEOL Japan

Model : JSM7600 F

Institution : Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facilities (SAIF) IIT Bombay

Department : SAIF

Funding Agency Details : DST, Govt. of India

Pooling of Equipment slot :   No

Last AMC Done :  

Reference Website :

Description : The Jeol field emission scanning electron microscope is a versatile high resolution scanning electron microscope. This Machine combines two proven technologies – an electron column with semi-in-lens objective lens which can provide high resolution imaging by low accelerating voltage and Schottky FEG with strong electrostatic field to induce electron emission. An FEG emitter gives a more coherent beam and its brightness is much higher than the tungsten filament. The instrument is also specialised with Gentle Beam (GB) mode applies a negative voltage to a specimen and decelerates incident electrons just before they irradiate the specimen, thus the resolution is improved at an extremely low accelerating voltage. Thus, this method is suitable for observation of fine structures, especially on low-density materials, non-conductive materials at high magnification with effective detection of low angle backscattered electrons

Usage Rate: (as indicated by the custodian/host institution)

Samples External Academic User Internal Academic User International User Industry User Start-ups National Research Lab User Self (Project Investigator)
SEM IMAGE (Surface OR Cross Section)
SEM IMAGE (Surface + Cross Section)
This mode is Down
This mode is Down
WDS MAPPING (For 3 elements maps)
This mode is Down


i) Academic (External) means researchers belongs to the other institution.

ii) Academic (Internal but different department/lab) means researchers belongs to other department/lab or other investigators.

iii) Academic (Internal) means researchers belongs to the same institution.

Accessories / Consumables / Spare parts / Testing modes
Sample Name Sample Type Sample UOM Sample Availability Unit Cost Sample Quantity Sample Description
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