Equipment Info

Confocal Photoluminescence Raman Spectro Microscope

Equipment Code : 2936902

Make : WITec/Oxford Instruments

Model : WITec Alpha 300R

Institution : Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru

Department : Physics

Funding Agency Details :

Pooling of Equipment slot :   No

Last AMC Done :  

Reference Website :

Description : Photoluminescence Raman Microscope and Spectrometer (FLIM) with time resolved and temperature dependent (down to 10 K) measurement capability for time-correlated single photon counting and single photon sensitivity (Lasers: 532nm CW, 405nm and 655 CW/pulsed) Characterization can be done in three different modes: Mode 1: Raman and Photoluminescence (PL) Imaging Available Lasers: 532 nm (Raman), PL (405 nm, 532 nm, 655 nm) Gratings: 1800 grooves/mm, 600grooves/mm Objective Lens: 4X, 10X, 20X,50X, 100X Mode 2: Time-Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL) Available Lasers: 405 nm, 655 nm (Repetition Rate can be varied from 80 MHz to 5 MHz) Objective Lens: 4X, 10X, 20X, 50X, 100X Mode 3: Low Temperature Measurements Both Mode 1 and Mode 2 can be operated in this configuration. Temperature Range: 4K – 500K Internal user ( IISc) : INR 3000 , if the user brings their own liquid helium, else INR 5000 (for 12 hours) External user: INR 5000 ( for 12 Hours) Industry user: INR 1000

Usage Rate: (as indicated by the custodian/host institution)

Samples External Academic User Internal Academic User International User Industry User Start-ups National Research Lab User Self (Project Investigator)
Mode 1: Raman and Photoluminescence (PL) Imaging
Mode 2: Time-Resolved Photoluminescence (TRPL)
Mode 3: Temperature Dependant (4K-500K)


i) Academic (External) means researchers belongs to the other institution.

ii) Academic (Internal but different department/lab) means researchers belongs to other department/lab or other investigators.

iii) Academic (Internal) means researchers belongs to the same institution.

Accessories / Consumables / Spare parts / Testing modes
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