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Collaborative : NA
Event Scope :
The main theme of this training program is to aware of theparticipants regarding the sophisticated instruments orcharacterization such as Morphological CharacterizationTechnique (TEM, HRTEM, and AFM), CompositionalCharacterization Technique (ICP-OES, GCMS-MS, and XPS),Structural Characterization Technique (XRD, Raman, FTIR,Particle Size Analyzer with Zeta Potential, and TGA-DTADSC) and Antenna Testing & Microwave Application (VNA)etc. The training program includes theory lectures as well asDemonstration/Hands on Training on the sophisticatedinstruments throughout the program.
Event Brief :
About STUTI: STUTI stand for Synergistic Training program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Program funded by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. The Scheme is intended to human resource and its capacity building through open access to S & T Infrastructure across the country by organizing training program on DST supported R&D equipment targeting Scientists/Professors/PhDs and PDFs actively involved in research across various institutions in the country. Goal of STUTI Program: •The participants will understand and familiarize with the various sophisticated instruments supported by DST, GoI and other funding agencies. •The participants will get skill based knowledge about the handling of various sophisticated instruments and characterization techniques and its analysis. •The participants get acquainted with the sophisticated instruments and characterization tools to design and implement for appropriate strategies for research work.
Event Speakers :
Starts On : 12-09-2022
Ends On : 18-09-2022
Last Enrollment : 31-08-2022
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