Techniques of Advanced Material Characterization and Spectroscopy

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Scope Of Training

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) Spectroscopy –

The participants will experience hands-on training on handling of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) Spectroscopy - With the development of powerful superconducting magnets, fast Fourier transform technique and computerization, NMR is now routinely used by chemists as well as biologist to solve the structures of molecules. The program is intended for PH.D. and Post-Doc students in chemistry and biology, young faculty members of colleges/ university departments and research scholars in chemistry/biology who use NMR in their research and in their course.

The schedule will consist of a lecture to start each day followed by hands-on learning sessions where participants will get the opportunity to collect and process NMR data. Experts from NMR will lead the lectures. 

This program focuses on the theory, instrumentation and applications of NMR starting from fundamentals to advanced levels and provides valuable experience to participants.


The participants will learn about the followings:


  • How an NMR spectrometer works
  • NMR Magnet Safety
  • Preparation of NMR Samples
  • Set up of 1D 1H and 13C NMR Experiments
  • Processing and Presentation of NMR Data

High Resolution – Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (HR-IRMS) –

High Resolution – Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (HR-IRMS) facility at SATHI-BHU is equipped with multiple peripherals which include Dual Inlet, Gas Bench, Gas Chromatography, Flash Elemental Analyzer, and Femto-Laser System. After completing the training program, participants are expected to:

  • Acquire good knowledge and deep understanding of the basic principle, working, and applications of HR-IRMS.
  • Learn the operational procedure for analysis of stable isotopes (C, N, O & H) for tracking of the physical, chemical, and biological reactions of diverse fields.
  • Understand the utility of HR-IRMS for analyzing samples from diverse fields of Earth Sciences, biological sciences, food sciences etc.
  • Understand the well-established procedure to identify the sources of the groundwater, aquifer recharge, and discharge.
  • Understand some of the industrial applications such as identifying adulteration in food and aroma industries.


Solar Simulator, Fuel Cell and Electrochemical Systems –

  • Solar Cell, Fuel Cell Electrochemical Workstation Instrument understanding Its application in electrochemical studies related to Solar Cell / Fuel Cell, Battery & Super capacitor etc.
  • Learn the operational procedure for analysis of IV curve.
  • Learn the operational procedure for analysis of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) technique for the characterization of electrochemical systems.
  • Learn the operational procedure for analysis of Cyclic Voltammetry.


The objective of the training program is to acquaint the researchers / teachers with the know how of sophisticated state-of-the-art instruments along with basics of magnetic resonance and expose them to the state-of-the-art NMR Spectroscopy, High Resolution – Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (HR-IRMS), Solar Simulator, Fuel Cell and Electrochemical related studies with thier applications. During this training program, attendees will have the opportunity to visit Banars Hindu University (BHU) which harbour most advanced and sophisticated state-of-the-art instruments. Additionally, the attendees will have an opportunity to closely interact with eminent scientists from this field.

Brief about Training


To build human resource and its knowledge capacity through open access to S & T Infrastructure across the country through hands-on training programs by:

  • Organising short term courses.
  • Enhancing awareness of use and application of state-of-the-art equipment’s.
  • Sharing while ensuring transparent access of S&T facilities funded by DST



The training is organized to enhance the practical skills of Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty Members from Universities/Colleges, Scientists, and Post-Doctoral Researchers who are working in multidisciplinary/ transdisciplinary and translational research in various organizations.


  1. Person of Indian origin.
  2. Minimum qualification – Post Graduate (Science/Technology)
  3. Teaching faculty up to the level of Assistant Professor / Associate Professor/Scientist C / Post-Doctoral Fellows/Ph.D. Students with 3 years of experience/Industry persons who are actively involved in research and development
  4. All the applicants are required to provide following essential details,
    1. A write up of 200 words about candidate’s ongoing research program.
    2. How the proposed training (NMR) Spectroscopy, (HR-IRMS) and Solar Simulator, Fuel Cell and Electrochemical System will enable the participant in his ongoing or future research program. 
    3. Publication if any reflecting use of referred equipment by the applicant.

Course Details

  • Type Others
  • LastDate to Register 24-11-2022
  • Mobile 9119811175
  • Training Equipments High Resolution - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-NMR-600) with Solid State Facility,Laser Ablation Combustion Gas Chromatography - High Resolution -Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry,Solar Simulator, Fuel Cell, Electrochemical Workstation

Venue Phase Offline
Venue Details SATHI-BHU, 3rd Floor, Central Discovery Centre, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi(Seminar Hall)
Venue Address SATHI-BHU, 3rd Floor, Central Discovery Centre, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh,221005
Training Document