Advanced Instrumentation in Materials Science and Technology

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Applications closed
Training Faculty



Scope Of Training

         The participants will understand and familiarize with the various sophisticated instruments supported by DST, GoI and other funding agencies.  The participants will get skill based knowledge about the handling of various sophisticated instruments and characterization techniques and its analysis.  The participants get acquainted with the sophisticated instruments and characterization tools to design and implement for appropriate strategies for research work.

Brief about Training

The main theme of this training program is to get aware of the participants regarding the sophisticated instruments or characterization such as mentioned above. The training program includes theory lectures as well as Demonstration/Hands on Training on the sophisticated instruments throughout the program. Quiz competition will be held on the first and last day as per the course content.

Course Details

  • Type Skilldevelopmenttraining
  • LastDate to Register 06-11-2022
  • Mobile 02312609170

Venue Phase Offline
Venue Details SAIF-DST-CFC()
Venue Address Shivaji University Kolhapur, Vidya Nagar, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416004, Kolhapur, Maharashtra,416004
Training Document