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Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with EDS
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre (STIC) Cochin
Accelerating voltage : 0.5 to 30 kV, Filament: Tungsten Magnification x 300000 , EDAX resolution 136 eV, EDAX detector area 30 mm2, Elemental Mapping
SAIF Kochi
Jeol Limited Japan
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 Ms.  Liz Merin  Renjith (PU_LIZ_RENJ001) CMS College Kottayam
 How should I send the sample and to which Address? Should I send any papers (invoice/receipt etc..) along with the sample?  2024-02-28 20:09:47
           Sophisticated Test & Instrumentation Centre Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin - 682 022, Kerala, India. 2024-05-28 12:07:01

It has always been the basic tenet of the Government of India, in generously funding R&D efforts at academic institutions over the years, that facilities established through such support be made available to those needing them and qualified to make use of them for their own research work

However, this was never easy or straightforward for, among other reasons, there was no ready source of information of what facility was available and where. Thanks to the Web, it is much easier today to have a national and regional “inventory of resources”, so as to match users with the resources they need, and to do all this in an efficient and transparent manner.

This can lead to a leap in R&D productivity and greatly enhance the effectiveness of public investment. This is the motivation behind I-STEM.
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