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Prof. Anurekha Sharma
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra
MEMS Design and Simulation
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 Mr. Pankaj Soni

 Respected Madam, I am Pankaj , a research scholar from haryana. Currently, I am working on an interdigitated electrode capacitance sensor. I am trying to replicate the results of a reference paper in comsol. but I am not getting the exact results. I have followed all steps to design and study the reference capacitor design , but every time there is a difference in the original and my results. It will be a great favor to me if you can guide me in this problem. I have not found any video on designing an IDE capacitor. If you can help me, it will be a great help to me.  2022-08-29 22:55:43

 Mr. Franklin Kumassah

 Dear Prof, Please I need guidance on the modelling and simulation of an optomechanical MEMS accelerometer and magnetometer using COMSOL Multiphysics. I am a CV Raman Doctoral Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Thanks.  2023-11-16 11:49:52

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