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Mr. Prasen Vinchurkar
1 Nanocatalysts 2 Enzyme kinetics 3 various band energy oriented nanocarbons synthesis 4 Graphene quantum dots 5 microbial cell growth and its interfaces with nanoparticles 6 BioMEMS device fabricat
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 Dear Sir, I am Tripurari Harsh, a research scholar at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. My research interests are in solar energy materials, and I am currently working on photocatalytic hydrogen evaluation. I'm looking for a facility near me that can perform green hydrogen evaluation tests on photocatalytic powder samples. Respectful regards Tripurari Harsh Research Scholar Department of Energy Engineering Central University Of Jharkhand Email: 2023-03-02 23:39:42


 Good evening, sir. I am a third-year Btech student at Delhi Technological University. My research paper is about “Photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production”. Sir, could you please advise me on how to model a photocatalytic water-splitting reaction and what software is most appropriate for this modeling and simulation? Moreover, could you please recommend some books and resources that can help me learn more about this topic? 2023-12-25 16:50:49

  Prasen Vinchurkar

 @ Mr. SHREYAS SAH, For modeling, you must consider the parametric prospect of 1. Thermodynamic model, which will analyze the feasibility of the reaction based on energy balances; 2. Mechanistic models for the detailed reaction mechanisms concerning band energy diagram along with at the atomic and electronic level. These are the most complex but provide the deepest understanding as well as logical clarity across reaction mechanics and then; 3. Kinetic models will describe the reaction rates using mathematical equations based on experimental data. They're efficient for initial studies. You may perform simulations at MATLAB and/or COMSOL Multiphysics moreover targeted Gaussian or VASP (Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) are available across. Please communicate if still you have questions.. 2024-03-20 10:40:46

  Prasen Vinchurkar

 @Mr. TRIPURARI KUMAR HARSH, already emailed you regarding the same, please communicate with I-STEM admin for more info... 2024-03-20 10:42:03

It has always been the basic tenet of the Government of India, in generously funding R&D efforts at academic institutions over the years, that facilities established through such support be made available to those needing them and qualified to make use of them for their own research work

However, this was never easy or straightforward for, among other reasons, there was no ready source of information of what facility was available and where. Thanks to the Web, it is much easier today to have a national and regional “inventory of resources”, so as to match users with the resources they need, and to do all this in an efficient and transparent manner.

This can lead to a leap in R&D productivity and greatly enhance the effectiveness of public investment. This is the motivation behind I-STEM.
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